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Embracing the Laws of Spirituality: A Guide to Inner Harmony and Growth

The knowledge of spirit and laws of spirituality is not common and easy, rather it is very special and extremely difficult. Nonetheless, it is not impossible in Islam for the Holy Spirit of The wise Quran, which is also called Light, to be the generating source of spirituality. What is meant by a living spirit…


Miracles and Secrets of God’s sunnat (law)

Sunnat encompasses routines, traditions, customary practices, guidelines, methods, and legal principles, it is said in verse, This is the Sunnat of God which has taken course in His Servants Holy Quran 40:85 This implies that God’s Sunnat isn’t confined to either the heavens or the earth; instead, it persists through his chosen servants (prophets and…

Purpose Of The Quran

And unto you have We revealed the book with the truth, confirming what ever Book was before it, and guarding it. So judge between them by that which Allah has revealed. Holy Quran 5:48 The purpose of the Quran affirm the previous heavenly books and safeguard their teachings. It does so by aligning its purpose…


Human Heart In The Quran

The “human heart in the Quran” holds profound significance. The term “heart” in Arabic, known as “qalb,” translates to “turning around, turning upwards, turning upside down.” In anatomy, it refers to the cone-shaped mass of flesh on the left side of the human chest, responsible for circulating blood and constantly in motion. In psychology and…


Gog and Magog in the Quran: Unveiling the Mystical Narrative of Spiritual Triumph and Worldly Trials

Gog and Magog are briefly referenced twice in the Quran. The first mention occurs in Surah Al-Kahf (18:92-99), where the narrative of Zul-Qarnayn involves the construction of a barrier to protect a community from the mischief of Gog and Magog. The second mention is found in Surah Anbiya (21:95-97), underscoring their corrupt nature and signaling…


Cure of Insomnia In The light of The Quran

Difficulty sleeping, also known as insomnia, is referred to as “sahar” in Arabic and “agrypnia” in ancient English medicine. When someone has this problem, they typically seek help from a doctor to cure of insomnia who follows specific principles to treat them. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe sleeping pills to help the patient…

Dreams In Quran, Hidden Massages in Verses

Before we delve deeper into this vital, captivating, and valuable topic, “Dreams in Quran” we must first address the two categories of dreams: good and bad. Understanding their distinct characteristics will be crucial. Ideally, this knowledge will empower every insightful individual, through self-exploration and introspection, to achieve self-healing. For, within ourselves lies the root of…


Secrets of Divine Love In the Quran

When God’s love embraces us, even the heaviest difficulties feel lighter. It’s like a healing balm, soothing our wounds and lifting burdens from our hearts. It’s a wellspring of peace and strength, a source of endless comfort in times of trouble. This love isn’t some fleeting earthly potion, it’s an everlasting connection that grants us…


Cure of Anger In the Quran, Effective Strategies

The Arabic word “Ghussah,” anger in the Quran translates to something that chokes, suffocates, and inflicts intense distress. It’s likened to a lump in the throat, a tormenting darkness, and a suppressed moan. Just like choking obstructs breathing, anger cuts off our rational thinking and plunges us into a despairing darkness. The urgency to cure…